Keough School of Global Affairs

This page outlines the requirements for all students in the Keough School of Global Affairs. In some cases, courses taken for Keough school requirements can satisfy Core Curriculum requirements and/or major or minor requirements.

Watch the First Year Guide to the Keough School of Global Affairs

Keough offers a range of academic programs. Students may complete a major in global affairs as a primary or second major. Students who declare global affairs as their primary major must complete the Keough school requirements and the global affairs major requirements. 

Keough also offers two supplementary majors and six minors. These programs are available to students in Keough and in other colleges and schools. Students in other colleges or schools pursuing a supplementary major or minor in Keough do not have to complete the Keough school requirements.

The Keough school requirements prepare students for an interdisciplinary and integrated study of contemporary global issues. These requirements may be completed at any time but must be completed by graduation: 

  • Language study
  • Cross-Cultural Experience
  • Ethical Practice Seminar
  • Interdisciplinary Seminar

Language Study (3-20 Credits)

By graduation, students must have achieved intermediate proficiency in a language (other than their native language) that is spoken in the contemporary world. Intermediate proficiency is defined as taking, having Advanced Credit for, or placing beyond the fourth course in the language sequence at Notre Dame. The courses that satisfy this requirement have the Arts and Letters language requirement attribute (ALLN) in PATH Class Search and NOVO Browse Classes.

Students who have already achieved this intermediate proficiency before entering Notre Dame must take at least one 3-or-more-credit language course at Notre Dame. These students may choose to take an advanced course in the language in which they have achieved proficiency or an introductory course in a new language.

Cross-Cultural Experience (4 Credits)

The Cross-Cultural Experience (CCE) is designed to build cross-cultural skills and the confidence to work in diverse cultural environments. It cultivates an understanding of how culture and identity function and how they impact contemporary global issues and policy-making. It offers an opportunity to explore a new culture, to develop new skills and competencies, and even to embark upon independent research. The CCE consists of three components: a pre-experience course, the experience itself, and a post-experience reflections course.

  • KSGA 20000 (the pre-experience 3-credit course): Prior to departing on their experience, students should complete KSGA 20000: Foundations of Cultural Analysis and Engagement. This interdisciplinary course introduces students to culture as an analytical tool to interpret social differences, explores how cultural difference shapes global affairs, and prepares students for their own cultural immersion experiences and scholarship.
  • The Cross-Cultural Experience: This comprises a six-week (minimum) immersive experience in which students explore, work within, or complete research in a culture other than their own. Students have great flexibility in how they complete this requirement. It may involve study abroad, an internship, independent research, or service. Students may fulfill the CCE with an experience of at least six weeks or by completing multiple experiences with a combined duration of at least six weeks. 
  • KSGA 30000 (the post-experience 1-credit course): Upon returning from their CCE, students should enroll in KSGA 30000: Reflections of Cultural Analysis and Engagement. This course will provide students with a framework for critically reflecting on their CCE, a forum in which to discuss the challenges they faced, and an opportunity to consider in detail what they learned about the communities and issues they engaged in.

Keough Interdisciplinary Seminar (3 Credits)

Students must complete a Keough Interdisciplinary Seminar, KSGA 23100: KSEM. These seminars leverage the insights and analytical tools of multiple disciplines to closely examine one salient contemporary issue in Global Affairs.

Ethical Practice Seminar (3 Credits)

Students must complete an Ethical Practice Seminar, KSGA 23000. These seminars introduce students to ethical frameworks for assessing policy-making in global affairs. 

Global Affairs Course Selection Guide

Use these fall and spring semester sample schedules as a guide when planning your courses.