Madeline - Galvin





Carlisle, Pennsylvania

As I reflect upon my first semester at Notre Dame, I like to think of my experience as a
painting in progress. Right now, it is a canvas filled with vibrant colors, intricate brushstrokes,
and a unique narrative. Each stroke represents a choice I've made, a challenge I've faced, or a
triumph I've celebrated. My successes are the bold and confident brushstrokes that bring
brightness and joy to the canvas. However, it is the contrast of colors, shadows, and
imperfections that gives depth and richness to the painting, which represents my failures. It is
through these failures that I am reminded that our lives are not always smooth sailing or perfect.

Just as an artist learns and grows from correcting and adapting to change, we too have the
opportunity to learn from our failures. During my time at Notre Dame, I have encountered
several setbacks such as not performing well on a test or falling ill and setting me behind.

However, despite these challenges, I maintain a growth mindset, take the learning opportunity,
and apply these lessons to future obstacles as it allows me to grow as a person.
When I first came to Notre Dame, I had a clear picture of what I wanted my life to be and
the activities that I would be involved in to set myself up for a successful career. However, not
all pictures are clear; rather, they can be abstract, blurry, and messy. Despite this, many of us
believe that we have to paint in a traditional way, even though there are many styles of art in the
world. We should not be afraid to take chances, whether trying a club or looking into a major we
weren't considering. One of the topics we discussed in our Moreau class was freeing yourself
from expectations. Julia Hogan-Werner stated in her article, "You can't live your life according to
the expectations of others. When you do, you aren't living your own life — you're living
someone else's life" ("Why Letting Go of Expectations is a Freeing Habit" by Julia
Hogan-Werner - Moreau FYE Week Nine). Therefore, she illustrates how you should not be
constantly comparing your expectations to others and that you shouldn't be dependent on other people's approval.

All that matters at the end of the day is that you stay true to yourself and your values.

At first, I was hesitant to explore outside my comfort zone, whether that be new topics or
ideas; however, by being vulnerable and open to ideas, I was able to identify new passions that I
would have never known otherwise, such as bioinformatics or the pharmaceutical industry.
With a first glance at a painting, many would assume there was a clear-cut path to
achieve the masterpiece. However, what one may not realize are the intricate brushstrokes, the
many shapes, the redirections, and the patience and time needed to achieve the final product.
Here at Notre Dame, I have encountered failures, my expectations were challenged, and my
patience was tested. However, despite this, I have experienced significant growth and
opportunities to learn. As our lives are similar to the creation of a painting, let our paintings be a
reflection of the unique individuals we are.
