Andrew Bartolini

Director, First-Year Engineering Program & Assistant Teaching Professor

Director, First-Year Engineering Program & Assistant Teaching Professor
224D Cushing Hall of Engineering
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Undergraduate Degree: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, University of Notre Dame

My passion for working with undergraduate students stems from helping connect students with opportunities in fields in which they are interested in learning more about or are already excited about. I changed my major during my first year of studies at Notre Dame from the School of Architecture to the College of Engineering, so I can empathize with students who are searching for more information to make a decision about future career pathways. Within the First-Year Engineering Program at Notre Dame, which I direct, we place a strong emphasis on the discernment process in order to help students collect and gather experiences from multiple sources in a concerted way to make an informed major selection. I would love partnering with more undergraduate students in a casual setting to help share ideas on navigating the discernment process.